Episode 7: The Ethereal Visions Illuminated Tarot Deck Review

In this episode, we take a break from learning card meanings to review an Art Nouveau style tarot deck with plenty of gold detailing by Matt Hughes, available on amazon at the time of this recording for $21.56. If you are considering whether or not it’s time to add another deck to your collection, you’ll definitely enjoy this episode, in which I thoroughly go through each card in the deck, giving my honest first impressions and comparing the imagery in this deck to that of the traditional Rider-Waite-Smith cards. Please be sure to check out my Instagram for some select images from this deck so you can get a better feel for the art style and general vibe for these cards.  Rest assured, we will be continuing our exploration of the Tarot card meanings in the next episode, where we’ll tackle the court cards. I hope you find the episode both entertaining and informative, and, as always, that you enjoy the show!

Alacrael's Contact Information:
Email: alacraeltarot@gmail.com
Instagram: @alacraeltarot
Patreon: patreon.com/alacraeltarot

Dylan Craig's Contact Information:
Instagram: @crg_dyln


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