
Showing posts from May, 2019

Episode 7: The Ethereal Visions Illuminated Tarot Deck Review

In this episode, we take a break from learning card meanings to review an Art Nouveau style tarot deck with plenty of gold detailing by Matt Hughes, available on amazon at the time of this recording for $21.56. If you are considering whether or not it’s time to add another deck to your collection, you’ll definitely enjoy this episode, in which I thoroughly go through each card in the deck, giving my honest first impressions and comparing the imagery in this deck to that of the traditional Rider-Waite-Smith cards. Please be sure to check out my Instagram for some select images from this deck so you can get a better feel for the art style and general vibe for these cards.  Rest assured, we will be continuing our exploration of the Tarot card meanings in the next episode, where we’ll tackle the court cards. I hope you find the episode both entertaining and informative, and, as always, that you enjoy the show! Alacrael's Contact Information: Email: Ins...

Bonus Episode: Magickal Hiatus

I detail my experience going 1 week without any spiritual practice--no Tarot, no spells, no conversation or reading of spiritual material--nothing. I explain my motivations for taking the break and follow it up with a description of the effects I experienced as a result. Alacrael's Contact Information: Email: Instagram: @alacraeltarot Patreon: Dylan Craig's Contact Information: Instagram: @crg_dyln

Episode 6: Tarot Meanings, Swords 1-10

We finish our investigation - at least, our first investigation - into the Pip cards by establishing our keywords for the suit of Swords, the other masculine suit beside the wands. I confess that Swords, for me, is the scariest suit in the Tarot deck, but also explain how their messages can be very direct and clear in addition to cutting--forgive the pun--and a little foreboding. I hope you find the episode both entertaining and informative, and that you enjoy the show! Alacrael's Contact Information: Email: Instagram: @alacraeltarot Patreon: Dylan Craig's Contact Information: Instagram: @crg_dyln

Episode 5: Tarot Meanings, Wands 1-10

We continue with our study of the pip cards, discussing the Wands, our first masculine suit, often associated with passion, creative energy, and fire. I point out that for me, this is the suit of leadership as well, though not necessarily of successful leadership--more on that when we get to the court cards--I hope you find the episode both entertaining and informative, and that you enjoy the show! Alacrael's Contact Information: Email: Instagram: @alacraeltarot Patreon: Dylan Craig's Contact Information: Instagram: @crg_dyln

Episode 4: Tarot Meanings, Pentacles 1-10

We proceed with our study of the pip cards in the suit of Pentacles  This episode will cover cards 1 through 10 of the Pentacles, a suit frequently associated with health and wealth. Like the suit of Cups, it is considered a feminine suit, in contrast with the Wands and Swords which we will discuss in upcoming episodes. I hope you find it both entertaining and informative, and that you enjoy the show! Alacrael's Contact Information: Email: Instagram: @alacraeltarot Patreon: Dylan Craig's Contact Information: Instagram: @crg_dyln

Bonus Episode: Tarotnaut Explorations

I describe my experience learning about Randonauts and trying out their way of exploring. I also describe a process of my own invention, based on the Randonaut methodology, which relies on Tarot to help you generate random or novel experiences. Links: Alacrael's Contact Information: Email: Instagram: @alacraeltarot Patreon: Dylan Craig's Contact Information: Instagram: @crg_dyln

Episode 3: Tarot Meanings, The Cups 1-10

We finally begin to delve into the card meanings, though the progression through the deck I will be following is probably somewhat non-standard when compared to other Tarot teachers’ methods.  It’s my podcast, however, so I guess that means I get to make the rules. So we will be learning the Pip cards first, followed by the Court Cards, and then, finally, the Major Arcana or the Trump Cards. This episode will cover 1 through 10 of the Suit of Cups, my personal favorite suit, and from there, we will move onto Pentacles, then Wands, and then, finally, Swords. I hope you find the episode both entertaining and informative, and that you enjoy the show! Alacrael's Contact Information: Email: Instagram: @alacraeltarot Patreon: Dylan Craig's Contact Information: Instagram: @crg_dyln

Episode 2: What Can We Do With Tarot?

I cover what things Tarot can be used for and what things we need when we begin to learn Tarot. (Spoiler alert! You don’t need much to get started!) I also mention some tips and practices designed to help you build up your foundation of keywords and associations with each card, from Pathworking and Journaling, to Practice Readings for celebrities. I hope you find the episode both entertaining and informative, and that you enjoy the show! Alacrael's Contact Information: Email: Instagram: @alacraeltarot Patreon: Dylan Craig's Contact Information: Instagram: @crg_dyln

Pilot Episode - Get To Know Alacrael

I introduce myself and run through a list of questions designed to help my audience get to know me both as a professional tarot reader and as a person. Topics include such things as how I learned tarot, how I believe tarot works, and what, if any, ethical considerations surround the practice of tarot reading. I also touch briefly on the topic of Oracle Cards and the deck I prefer to use. Links: Alacrael's Contact Information: Email: Instagram: @alacraeltarot Patreon: Dylan Craig's Contact Information: Instagram: @crg_dyln